BCN Labs offers several Microbiology and Mycology courses.
Customized courses are applied to your product and with an emphasis in prevention of spoilage and food safety. The courses can be taught at our St Cloud Fl facility or our state-of-the-art training facility in Rockford, TN with a minimum of 10 participants per company required. These courses can be also taught on-site for a flat fee per day plus travel expenses of instructors. The fee depends on the number of participants.
We also offer open courses to the food and beverage industry as well as the cannabis industry and cannabis testing laboratories.
Our State of the Art Training Facility in rockford tn
Food and Indoor Mycology Workshop
This two and a half day course is appropriate for those interested in food spoilage, indoor air quality, industrial hygiene, mycotoxins, pharmaceuticals, biodeterioration, etc. Lectures included are classification and properties of common food and airborne, mycotoxins production, important fungi in indoor environments, methods for detection and isolation of molds.
Basic Food and Beverage Microbiology
This course is designed to give theory and hands-on experience to plant and contract manufacturing microbiologists. Emphasis will be placed on quality control tests, environmental and pathogen testing.
Basic Food and Beverage Mycology
This basic mycology course is designed to give fungal identification skills to the genus level to plant and contract manufacturing microbiologists. Emphasis will be placed on fungi of significance to the food or beverage manufacturing environment.
Intermediate Food and Beverage Mycology
This intermediate course is designed to give fungal identification skills to corporate, plant and contract manufacturing microbiologists. Emphasis will be placed on microorganisms of significance to the food or beverage manufacturing environment.
Basic Laboratory Techniques
This course is designed to give theory and hands-on experience to plant and contract manufacturing microbiologists. Emphasis will be placed on basic laboratory techniques and Good Laboratory Practices (GLP).
Cannabis industry training courses
We offer courses for the cannabis industry and testing laboratories such as: “Aspergillus species of concern in Cannabis”
Other Training Courses
usually offered on-site
HACCP Manager Certification Course (providing NSF International certification) – HACCP certification for food managers.
HACCP for the Food Service Industry (National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF). This is a HACCP course for the foodservice industry. It does not provide any certification.
SERVSAFE®Course (providing the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF) certification). This course is a comprehensive food safety course for food managers and workers.
Juice HACCP (FDA/CFSAN)- HACCP course for juice processors using the training curriculum of the National Center for Food Safety and Technology (NCFST).
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)– These are important practices for the manufacturing of safe and wholesome foods.
Good Sanitation Practices (GSPs) and Handling Chemicals Safely and SDS Training.